Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Shimmering Darkness…

The day was finally over, the sun had settled down within the depths of the lake.

The sun had put up quite a fight and left the land bleached and dry.

The lake goers had been drained as they filled the lake with the sentiment of their desires.

As the rebels quieted down, and the crowd parted a new set of sounds took over the area.

The moon arose quickly and settled in about a third of the way into the sky.

Only a sliver its presence was quite diluted as the clouds rolled into place and the stage was being set.

It was the day after the great and terrible day and vengeance was about to take its toll.

The temperatures subsided and the winds once again found the body of water that they call home.

The emergency vehicles had gone home no saving was to be done tonight.

Damage already done the mind wanders, tensions are running high.

Mind drunk with emotion, body full of pain, the potential for quite an evening is building.

As I lay aside the cockpit I looked up and realized that my destiny had called me.

The winds calling my name I could hear them saying, "follow me to the next place."

Obedient and methodical I woke up from my emotional stupor, and took on the responsibility to prepare the vessel.

At the strike of 1:00 am I set sail. Pulling the sun drenched and warmed sails I spoke to them commanding; "take me to the place that the winds are calling from."

With that I leave the cockpit and go down below into the dungeon that I call home.

Frantically digging into the darkness, feeling for a remote audio cd that still brandished its wrapper and label I hope for my release.

As I open the unique promise, I place it into my player and emerge to survey my situation.

Black as night, both lovely and unlovely I find myself echo locating the shoreline.

The winds have taken their position on the lake and made themselves prominent across the lakescape.

Then out of the blackness I see a shimmering darkness.

Heading to weather the wind positioning itself to whisper in my left ear I hold still.

As the wind picked up, the water responded in kind with a motion that took it across the lake.

Rollers they were building from the South as I headed to find the source of the wind.

Just a glimpse of their size as the moon varnished their topsides with a glow that could be seen for miles.

As the motion of the lake took a hold of me, the sound of a distant land came to the forefront.

Sharp and pleasant sounds of a simple land on the continent of Africa filled my head as I squinted to keep track of the shore.

I transported myself as the music took my soul from this ragged body and the emotions that once filled it left.

Waves crashing into the bow and it planted itself firmly into its belly. Spray fills the air as the sounds of the life that is such the beginning of all.

As the tribesmen chant their stories of family and survival, I find myself on the roller coaster of life deep within my heart as it sets happily in my chest, far from the sleeve that it once found a perch.

Whispering in my ear I can hear the wind calling me deeper into an almost trance like state.

Into the shimmering darkness I see the water and land dancing before me, leaving a path that only I can feel.

Song after song, I feel my body coming alive. My senses are overwhelmed and the thoughts of the day are far from me. Now the music takes hold and my hand holds the destiny of the vessel.

Between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand I steer this 6 ton beast. Waves crashing and spraying mist into the air, my mind races ahead in anticipation of what lies next.

Sitting in the port side stern perch, head cocked gently to the side, I try to make out the dam and the source of the wind.

Never admitting but gently remembering that it has called for me before.

An elusive friend the wind befriends the water and makes a pact with my vessel.

Completely in sync with nature as the music recharges my soul.

Now the age of completeness comes as I turn the corner to see the light of my home port.

In the shimmering darkness there I find my peace again.

For in the heat of the day, emotions ran free and the damage of their energy has taken its toll.

But now in the perfectness of the moment my soul is again whole, my mind is at ease and my body is free from pain.

Just arriving to my place, I reposition my home and engage the moon to hide me from the shimmering darkness.

July 5th – 6th 2008, on Lewisville Lake, listening to the original Mbube music of Africa while participating in the dance of a lifetime, after an event of emotional magnitude.

"Fair weather does not a skilled sailor make. Even the brightest of skippers must navigate through the storms of life to emerge on the other side, sometimes with nothing to guide them but the shimmering darkness of their soul." – Pirate Mike…

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Pirate Connection…

The Pirate Connection…

You know I think I get more questions about the whole pirate thing and yet even with all that I have written I think that people truly do not make the connection. People still think pirates are folklore and are left to the stories of people walking the plank and funny characters talking strange and hobbling around on a wooden leg with a hook for a hand wearing the proverbial eye patch. What they do not understand is that piracy on the high seas is common, even in the true definition piracy occurs over 250 times a year and is one of the most common dangers faced by our merchant marines. Much more common than hurricanes or other weather related dangers it is a seaman's reality. We find it also on land, and in some of the areas that we claim are the safest like our market system.

And all the while I am living in the midst of a typical corporate merger created from the pressures from Wall Street in a very simple commodity type business and I am witnessing what I write about first hand. I mean toothpaste, toilet paper, fax machines These are all common goods that we use pretty regularly right? Well as it turns out the last year that I was working at IKON I was going to witness on a grand scale what privateering and piracy is all about at the multibillion dollar level. When I talk about sovereignty, territory and exercising power and control in the definition in the privateering of old I could as well have been talking about hostile takeovers and corporate mergers of the 21st century. Nothing has changed our actions that we take still have lasting effects on the way we live and the security of others.

What is amazing is that we call ourselves a civilized society, well in some areas we may be, but in reality we are pretty savage and hypocritical. We are a greedy and bloodthirsty lot. The rest of the world talks about us in disdain and we the great capitalists of the west have exercised our sovereignty to line the pockets of the high and mighty. We like to talk about helping the needy and being a good big brother to the nations so that we can sit at home and sleep well at night. When the reality is that we have sent teams out into the nations to spy and steal with commission. "For the good of all" right? Well just to provide National security to protect the innocent right? "To preserve our freedom" right? Ya that is what is it all about; sure…

I am not a conspiracist nor am I a conspirator, but what I am is a realist. I am also a consumer, I live a decent life and earn a decent (6 figure) income in which 40% of it is disposable. In which I have the luxury to take time being a buyer, and not always a seller of goods and services. I have on many occasions after great study, research and consideration still been screwed by a savvy and well thought out salesperson. I myself have worked for manufacturers where I had several products all good for a purpose but when questioned by a prospect had to give them what the "best" solution that I had none of which was the best for their purpose. I have made purchases that luckily came out ok, due to the fact that a poor purchase could have been catastrophic. Like in the case of a bad purchase of insurance, or of a home or lemon vehicle which could ruin your finances or worse.

Since I am in the midst of some ruthless privateering and an employee of said sovereign body whom grants me commission to plunder I will hold my comments for a time. But there will be a day come to pass when I will talk of what many already know. Corporate America is savage and full of privateers and pirates. None of which can be trusted or believed, it is intrinsically interesting though how often they deceive even themselves. And what is even more funny is that they believe each other; listening intently to each other's stories of conquest with anticipation and belief. If you wake up and think you are innocent you are but just part of the great deception. If you wake up and think you are a great deceiver you have bought into the lies of those that are in ultimate control. If you wake up and are just not sure of what is happening you may very well still have a chance to save your soul.

What is of concern is that I have on occasion thought that I was outside of the boarders of those that would influence control over me, but in reality I live in the heartland of the controlled. I am but a mere pawn in this chess game of marauders. Corporate America, land of the free, home of the brave. What do you think it took to be brave in a new frontier? How do you think those brave men stayed free from the chains that would have liked to have bound them? Laissez-faire capitalists would have you believe that "hands off" government is the way to go, just let the fair market system prevail. What people forget is that the markets are driven by people and that people are in many cases driven by greed. If you leave markets and corporations to be "ruled" by themselves what you end up with are warlords and chieftains. They will fight over their territory and sphere of influence till they choke out the others. This is called a monopoly and in many rights a dictatorship.

Power corrupts and complete power corrupts completely. Without checks and balances what we see is that corporations like people become an enemy of the state. What we find is that groups are corporations; they are embodied to further a cause sometimes economic sometimes it is purely ideological like in the case of a political or spiritual group or organization. These groups can if left to themselves and being unchecked can rise up to power and cause great destruction. Look at the debacle going on with our financial institutions which have been highly regulated and monitored by the state and federal government. Look at the men that have plundered great fortunes just to leave the companies that they ruled ravaged by their greed and great incompetence. Look at the cost of their failures to our lifestyle and the real debt that we will have to pay for their debauchery.

So "hands off" doesn't work and neither does "hands on" so what does work? Market competition? Look at my industry? Well I would love to tell you about it, but this is a public blog and I am still under commission and still privateering.

Maybe when I retire J Or maybe if you come close I can whisper these great secrets into your ear, just before I cut that necklace off of your body! Don't forget I am a pirate… One that has made it through many campaigns and survived many sieges, and I will survive this one too. This old pirate is looking for calmer seas, maybe an inland cove to rest. Watching the sirens call to the passing ships has become a pastime and steering clear of the reefs has become old hat. I would much rather sit around the helm and tell stories while drinking rum then actually boarding a ship and taking no prisoners.

Taking the crew to land and plundering a city has lost its charm. I would much rather watch a sunset or the clothes fall off a beautiful silhouette. There is more to come, keep watch I am sure to tell more stories as the time passes.

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