Thursday, December 29, 2011

How do you bring two lives together?

Well in our modern day society there are many things that can start a “union.” Also in the world of unions there are many types and levels of commitment? So what is it that drives us to desire someone else’s commitment to our dream? Is the success of that dream dependant on the quality of our vision? How about the detail by which we “flow chart” it? Is there a value to a written dream? Should all dreams be constantly be re-evaluated to ensure the longevity and validity? Can a dream started 10 years ago become null and void? Can a dream become non relevant?

At what intervals should we check ourselves and our dreams? Is there a formula for success? And whom should we share these dreams with in the first place? Should they be protected and hidden or should they be published and openly communicated? If we communicate our dreams to others the first thing we risk is rejection and ridicule. What is the benefit to communicating our dreams with others? Accountability, oversight, corrective criticism, and maybe if we are lucky help to get from a current step to the next.

So if we meet someone and you want to bring your lives together, the first thing you have to overcome is them being closed minded or not receptive to your current dream. So if that is true should you immediately change your dream to match their expectations? Should you look for the common ground and find a way to build your foundation upon the parts of the dream where there is agreement?

If you can successfully present your dream and get buy in what is your next step? Do we build business plans around our personal dreams just as if we were starting a company and were going to need a loan from the bank? Do you not think that an emotional loan will be requested at the time of your presentation? How much will this cost your potential partner? What are the risks? How much common ground do you have with individual that gives them the confidence to trust that what you are planning will work?

Fear, uncertainty and doubt will surely be your foes! Prepare to put the war paint on and draw your sword as you have just entered the coliseum! And just like the days of old, 2 go in and only 1 comes out! So in the world of dreams and unions does 1 side of the union have to lose for the originator to win? Well of course not, so that brings us back to how do you bring two lives together.

The collective dream is only possible when there is a symbiotic relationship place where both individuals need and respect the other. There already has to be an understanding before there can ever be a presentation or collective dream. Without harmony there can be no peace, and without peace there can be no honorable regime.

Army’s are run by dictators but relationships are run my patriarchs. These benevolent monarchies look simple but are nothing even close. Insecurity, Jealousy, fear, Distrust all come into play to erode the hierarchy that is put into place to ensure that the kingdom is run efficiently and honorably. Fear creates mistrust and mistrust creates divisiveness.  A house divided shall fall. There is no way for a union to succeed if both parties are not 100% committed to its success.

So then how do we bring two lives together? Well the first step is strong, frequent and open communication, after that  the two in question have to have a meeting of the minds; the minds have to be at peace. Time; time is the builder of trust and without trust no kingdom can be built. Trust is a funny asset as it can be constructed over time and in fact the best trust built is trust that has taken its time and has weathered a few storms yet is like peace of mind it can be wiped out in a second.




Understanding: there has to be a clear understanding of what is bringing the two together in the first place. Random relationships with no purpose have no chance of standing against the storms that will soon be brought against it.
Plan; No kingdom can be built without a solid plan. The plan should have S.M.A.R.T. goals and should be measured and readjusted regularly to ensure progress is being made and that both parties take ownership of the successes and failures. Just as you would shoot an arrow at a target you must; aim, pull, shoot, readjust and start over till the bulls eye is hit or the game is won!
Execution; One must have impeccable execution of the plan. A plan without execution is nothing more than a pipe dream, thought of my the illusions of grandeur of fools.

Could anything be this easy?

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Death of The Copier is Greg_Walters: Repeat After Me: "Managed Print Services is Business Process Management, MPS is BPM, MPS is BPM"" - FireWork

The Death of The Copier is Greg_Walters: Repeat After Me: "Managed Print Services is Business Process Management, MPS is BPM, MPS is BPM"" - FireWork: Draw it out and begin to manage. This takes little time, just as much as needed to write down your notes, i.e., SN#, volume, location, asset number, etc.

Life aboard a pirate's vessel...

Life to many consists of the battles of finance, employment, and family matters. My life many times seems to exist more in my mind.

The battles we face rarely are the ones that are obvious. To me my biggest challenges are mental.

As move forward I do not find the normal challenges to be the ones that stop me from achieving my dreams. It is the little mental blocks the ones that set my emotions off to be the ones that shut me down.

I look forward to the day when the great mysteries of the universe are revealed to me in their fullness.

I feel like we will be shocked when we find out what really stopped us from our destiny!

To take on each battle as if it were our last. I am a present day gladiator, and today I survived the colosseum. Tomorrow will be another battle and another chance to win or lose.

Today I won, tomorrow I pray for a quick move and a sharp sword!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Seabrook Shipyard Rd,Seabrook,United States

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Simple Things

After a long week of confusion I sit to reflect...

What makes a person get confused?

Confusion (from Latin confusĭo, -ōnis, noun of action from confundere "to pour together", also "to confuse") of a pathological degree usually refers to loss of orientation (ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time,[1] location,[1] and/or personal identity[1]) sometimes accompanied by disordered consciousness[1] and often memory (ability to correctly recall previous events or learn new material).

So when things in our life are pored together we have to male things to focus on. The events around us "mix" and we lose track on what's important and see the things that are more "colourful" this colour in our lives gets us to focus on the urgent and not the important. And sometimes the noise in our life takes our concentration away from the one or more ideas that we intended to watch.

Many times I have felt this confusion and many times I have given in to it!

I can remember a pastor saying once, "when you don't know what to do focus in on the things that you KNOW TO DO." many times honing in on the mundane allows our brain the time needed to sort through the mixing of thoughts that created the confusion in the first place.

Emotion at this point is our enemy. It puts focus on the things that were colourful and doesn't let you concentrate on the things you have identified as important. Many times the things that are important are not pretty, or colourful they are just important.

I need to put my blinders on and get at saying, "I don't know," and continuing on the path of focussing on what was important prior to the "bright shiny object" that took my attention of of the prize.

Lesson learned! It really doesn't matter all of the superfluous events that happen to us. We have to be the evangelists of our cause. If we will not take up the sword for our own cause who will fight for us?

The answer is no one! No one will fight our battles for us so when the shooting stars come across our bow we must identify them as such admire their beauty and move on!

My work this week went this way, but I got caught up in the excitement of someone else's battle. That took me away from my own battles!

The trick to becoming successful is acknowledging the battles of others while continuing the good fight!

This separates the generals from the battle field sergeants.

Generals know their are many battles but keep the battle front moving forward, while sergeants get lost in the wins and tragic losses in front of them.

It isn't that you become numb to the losses it is that you don't lose sight of the overall goal to finish the war!

Now I sit and laugh at myself and realize the wasted energy consumed by the battles of others!

Today I put my sword down as o raise my cup. Tomorrow will be a new day with new dragons to slay!

In this I rejoice; as a warrior there is no satisfaction to peace. Only the reward for future conquests and battles not yet fought; but in my mind already won.

Tomorrow I will not pick up my sword but either a pen or brush so that I might clearly paint or draw my enemy so that I can arrive early to another victory. In this there is great peace and fulfillment. This means there will be yet another celebration!

With this knowledge I can sleep quietly!

Pirate Mike

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Mesquite, Texas

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