Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Trinity of Pirate Mike…

Most people have a singular personality and their soul. The objective in life is to align our personality with our soul so we can successfully fulfill life's plan.

After half a lifetime I discover I have two personalities that I was born with. On one side of me there is the external representation of my personality that is a culmination of all of my words, thoughts and deeds. On the other side there is the personality disorder of ADHD of which I am severely influenced.

The ADHD side of my personality is the friend that I never knew. The one who never left me when times were tough. Although I never knew him he has always significantly influenced me even though I was unaware of his presence and leverage.

He is the internal representation of my personality. He resides along with my first personality & my soul. An interesting trinity and an awkward threesome we do make.

After years of languish I must acquaint myself and befriend this life partner of mine so I can empower myself and move forward with my personal development. 

To know & understand him is to further aligning my first personality with my soul. To ignore him is to deny myself; forfeit my purpose, and squander my destiny.

What I have learned over the last almost 3 months now is that we have been together since birth and he will never leave me. To be separated from him means my soul's energy has been freed from my body.

Only slightly dulled by the effects of modern day pharmacology  and behavioral therapy he comes alive anytime I do not sedate him! He is always willing to listen and give advice. He has great strengths and terrible weaknesses.

To be upset with him is futile just as it would be futile to be upset at the sunset for it will come around again the very next day. To get angry with his advice would mean to live a life of a time bomb just waiting to Go off.

At first I was mad at him as I went back after our introduction and successfully blamed every bad thing that happened to me on him! Later I looked for ways to kill him prohibiting him from influencing me in the future.

But just as I can not take my own soul I have nothing left to do but make friends with him and take on what's left of my life's journey hand in hand maximizing his strengths while being aware, understanding and buffering his weaknesses.

Together we are strong and as a team we are dedicated students in the Earth School. We both have the same class schedule, and when one fails a class we both fail and must start over till be both pass every class. Interestingly enough he doesn't make me who I am. Rather his influence both brings out my strengths but also reinforces my weaknesses. 

Together we are Yin & Yang both of us having each and both of them intertwined with each other. One's strength is another's weakness and vice versa.

My ambition is to capitalize on my intention to bring us both into synchronous harmony.  That way neither of us can blame the other for our shortcomings and deficiencies. Each day we improve each other and give definition of what it is to be uniquely me!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Revelation For Today...

Through my busy day I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the lives of those around me, all of the successes and challenges are made all the more meaningful and precious. 

And for that I am grateful that I had them. If they have formed who I am now, and are the buildings blocks that I will use to built my future and happiness then each one regardless of how fleeting or minuscule are the most important for me to experience. 

With this understanding all things happen to bring us into preparedness for the great achievements we call our lives! 

Pirate Mike… 2.0

Monday, April 1, 2013

OH Mountain How I Did I Get Here...

Here I stand alone upon a mountain top,
My trials and fears no one will ever know.
I have struggled beyond my wildest dreams,
The darkness like a river continued to flow.

My ignorance, my weaknesses and even my insecurities,
were what walked me down this path.
It was my lack of attention that brought this mountains wrath.
And now that the storm is over and the winds have died down,
I look out over this mountain top and cannot wear a frown.

For a brief moment I look out at the serene beauty of the valley below
In my mind I remember; but my fear I do not show.
For my emotions took me through a dark place, and my weaknesses I did pack.
Through life changing chasms and cliffs I did face.
My fears I did overcome; my weaknesses I did attack

I do not know how I got here, this mountain was not on the map!
This was not my destination, nor part of my plan.
This Mountain just showed up as a challenge to where I stand.
Nor friend nor enemy was this mountain was to me!
Just another chance to witness God’s grace that he wants me to see.

Many days I've traveled and now here I stand,
It is a beautiful place but not what I understood of God’s plan.
I know this is not my destination, so my journey is not over.
There are many miles to go through valleys of flowers and fields of clover.

The mountains are high and the valleys are low,
The crimson fields in front of me are where I must go
I speak to the mountain and I say why did you hide
The mountain spoke back in loud rumbling roar
Nor trick or surprise did I bring to you, with the eagles you did not soar,

Pride and ignorance is the undoing of us all
As you were climbing up my sides I awaited your fall.
Your strength and courage you surely did find
Now mastering your lessons will be the test of time!

For love and courage is not all that you need,
But a strong back, a strong will, and the desire to succeed.
Knowing what to do will not let you plead,
But your actions over time will show you how to lead.
So push on do not linger you must continue for what you seek.
I was not your goal, so let your travels take you afar.
A relationship drives your journey so keep your eyes on the stars.

The pain and anguish my heart swept away, as this mountain explained that I was not here to stay
So I took one last look from this very high peak,
After I caught my breathe I grabbed my flag to create a memorial,
It was not this mountain but a relationship that I did seek.

I plant it firmly in the rock and the mountains rich soil.
My soul is refreshed and I have forgotten my pain and toil.
As I place this flag in remembrance of my challenges, I look down into the new valley below.
All I see is her face, her smile and how our future will grow!
I love her and her son as if they were my very own.
My love is not in vain, and my commitment now in stone!
Upon the mountain top I stand firm with a chart in my hand,
My dreams are wide, and my visions are grand.
For it is a woman that I love and a family that I have made
That pushes me on to victory and to take on my fears.
It is her love that motivates me and dries up my tears.

look at my flag as it reaches out of the soil,
I remind myself of the things I did learn, of the things I did toil,
And one last time I linger and take one last look at my map
The mountain speaks to me yet again, "what are you doing now?"

I have learned a great lesson that I do not want to repeat.
I have plotted carefully so that I know where you are and have tracked my feet!
So that I do not make this mistake again or tempt life I do not dare.
Surviving a visit with an unseen mountain was not just a great feat,
But a life lesson that I will want to share.

I replied as I started to make my way down the other side…

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